The writer is a dragoman, one of the few left in this corner (stone) of the world: (you will find a short history of the dragomans in the site). Born in Milan, I have been living for many years (maybe too many) in Jerusalem, getting lost in the most remote streets of the old city , exploring every old building, slipping in open doorways. That's how I discovered that, beside the more traditional Jerusalem of the Holy Sepulchre Church and the Dome of the Rock, there is another Jerusalem, as fascinating and intriguing. This secret Jerusalem can be found in the small Greek-Orthodox monasteries, in the enormous underground cisterns, in the inscriptions at the Crusaders' market, behind walled-up doors, in the back rooms of shops … This site is not meant to be a guide, but rather a sort of diary where you can discover my Jerusalem: I hope to kindle your interest and curiousity; hopefully, you will be tempted to come and see it in person.

The Dragoman